Saturday, December 30, 2006


As mentioned in the below post I've enjoyed adding a bit to my music collection over the last few days. Lisa and I treated ourselves to the new U2 singles collection and the new George Martin Beatles mix 'Love' album on CD - both expectedly brilliant.

I've also been busy downloading a few things on the basis of various friends recommendations as well as things that interested me in the end of year Q mag. So spent the last day or 2 working on my essay with the following all on constant rotation in the background:
* the new Bob Dylan album 'Modern Times' and his older classic 'Blood on the Tracks'
* the Fratellis 'Costello Music'
* the Guillemots 'Through the Windowpane' (bit of a 'slow grower', getting better with every listen)
* the Kooks 'Inside In - Inside Out'
* Damien Rice's 2nd album '9'(how much better than most of the current solo singer-songwriters is this guy?! Such a refreshing change from the likes of the 2 James's Blunt and Morrison)
Would recommend all of them!

2 songs over these few days have particularly stood out for me though, from artists that have just keep churning out so many good songs over so many years. So went looking for them on 'youtube' to see if I could find videos to put on here. So enjoy the latest great offerings from Bob Dylan (unfortunately via a bit of a dodgy home done video set to the music - but enjoy the music anyway!) and U2 (actual video of the new single):
(had to put them on separate entries below 'cos could only get 'youtube' to do that rather than adding them to this entry)

1 comment:

Kristin Ross said...

Hi Simon,

I really liked reading my way through that blog entry! Brilliant idea by the way ;-)

It would be lovely to have you visit when you're next over in Dublin.