Anyway, enough rabbiting about it - if anyone is interested at all in what I actually said please read on. It was based on 2 Kings 19:1-19 and Phillipians 2:14-30.
‘Christo Redontor’, ‘Christ the Redeemer’ the famous statue on a mountain top above Rio. I’m not normally a particular fan of statues, icons and things like that, but this image of Christ with his arms wide open in welcome and love, and the way it was situated, is something that will stay with me forever.
This morning we’ve heard King Hezekiah’s prayer showing his belief in who God was and crying out in desperation but with trust for God to save Israel from the threatening might of the Assyrians. Notice not only his trust that God could save Israel, but also his motivation: “…O Lord our God, save us, I pray you, from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Lord, are God alone”.
Then in our New Testament reading we hear of Paul encouraging his readers to be blameless and innocent, shining like stars in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, holding out the word of life.
Hezekiah praying that all the kingdoms of the earth would know God through his saving of Israel; Paul wanting God’s people to stand out and shine in their world holding out the word of God, showing the world God’s salvation.
In many ways the world hasn’t changed much has it? Constant war and strife throughout OT times, Paul writing in NT times in a crooked and perverse generation, through to the messed up world we see around us today. In Rio I saw real extremes of what’s good in our world and what’s bad in just 1 city, but it’s all around us isn’t it – you don’t have to travel that far. What really struck me about Rio though, was that this statue of Christ was there above it all – visible from any point in that city, arms outstretched reaching out in welcome and love to a messed up world. I’m here at Ridley because I know that God through Christ has welcomed me with those outstretched arms and saved me, and that when I stray those arms are still outstretched to me in love drawing me back; and I firmly believe that he’s called me to show that salvation, that welcome, that love of Christ in the particular role of a vicar in the places he leads me to, to shine like a star, holding out the word of God.
As we continue in worship this morning and have the opportunity to receive prayer, lets consider the role God is calling each of us to play in showing this world his salvation, and lets consider the example of Hezekiah in recognising and stating who God is, crying out to him for help where we are weak and struggling, and seeking his glory that we and all the kingdoms of the earth would know that He is God, and that He alone can save. ‘Christo Redontor’ Christ the Redeemer, Christ our saviour and our Lord. Amen.
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