Again there was far too much to see to do it justice in the time I had and so will be making trips back to both the museums at various points while I'm living in relatively easy reach of them. But as I've wandered around the 2 museums these last 2 Saturday's I've really been struck again by the amazingness of both the natural and human-made world, and am finding it harder than ever to believe that it has all come about by chance. I think it takes more faith to believe that than it does to believe that there is a creator God who set it all in motion, irrespective of what one believes about the nature and character of that God and about how creation happened. I know that this is a very simplistic way of looking at these things - but I don't think being simplistic makes it any less profound, and it's all you're going to get here for now. I do believe in the Christian creator God though, but am not going to get into a discussion of what I believe about that God and am hopelessly unqualified to get into the ins and outs of how creation came about - creationism / big bang / evolution debates etc. (will have to see how much I learn from studying Genesis 1-11 in more detail at Cambridge Uni Divinity faculty next year!!).
Anyway after this enjoyable, and actually quite inspiring time wandering round the museum I carried on across to the other side of central London to St. Paul's Cathedral:
This was to support 4 of my friends from Ridley who were being ordained as deacons by the Bishop of London. It was quite a ceremony! I've been to a few ordinations before, but never one where there were anywhere near the number of people being ordained as there were at this service - 45 in all. It took quite a while! Very special though, and great to see Liz, Graham, Olly and Fran on a special day for them. Beginning to hit home now that assuming all goes smoothly it will be my turn this time next year - scary!
So that's been 2 trips to London in 2 weekends, and very excited about making it a hatrick next Saturday when Lisa and I are heading to the Live Earth concert at Wembley Stadium having unexpectedly managed to get hold of some tickets last week:Click here to check out the details. No doubt some comment on it will appear on here after the event.
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