Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happiest country...

If you can spare 3 mins click here to watch a report that was on the BBC's 10pm news last night. According to the recognised criteria and 'modern standards' Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean is 1 of the world's poorer nations. But is that really true of Vanuatu and the greatly named Pentecost Island in particular? Very refreshing to see and hear about a nation (or at least part of it) that is willing to stand by its own traditions and values; to be a special, safe and happy community in its particular way; without feeling the need to be swayed by the values and 'standards' of much of our world - and it appears to be better for it. See here for a related BBC news article.

Following on from this, as I was looking up info about Vanuatu on t'internet I was made to chuckle when I read that their official language is actually a form of pidgin English called Bislami. Here are a couple of examples of it that I came across:-

What is your name? - Wanem nem blong yu? (Want name belong you?)
I don't know - Mi no savee (Me no savvy)
It's delicious! - O i naes! Mi likum tumas! (Oh is nice! Me like too much!)

and my personal favourite...

bra - basket blong titi (basket belong titty)

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