Thursday, February 01, 2007

What does it mean to be British?

An interesting quote someone told me they heard on radio 4 recently:

It's to drive a German car to an Irish pub then have a Belgian beer after which one would have an Indian curry or a Turkish Kebab. Then go home and sit on Swedish furniture watching American tv programs on a Japanese made television.

and yet the same programme also said:

The worst thing the British fear = anything foreign.

Spot a slight contradiction?!! What a mixed up (or messed up?) society we live in. Why do people fear diversity? I'm all for all of the stuff in the first quote! Slightly simplistic take on a complex issue, but as a basic principle I want to be part of a society that embraces and enjoys variety and diversity, not one that is scared and suspicious of it.


Loobylou! said...

I would definitely have to agree with you on that one Simon.
One of the things involved in my work is to understand and then to teach people of all ages to understand about diversity and encourage my clients to accept anyone from whatever background, culture etc. Isn't it funny to see how much more similar we are in certain ways of thinking as we get older?! Obviously not all ways of thinking though!!! xxx

bensdad said...

How would you know what it means to be British - always yearning for somewhere else. Or in your own words...

4) I love Ireland. Lisa is Irish, my Dad is Irish, and pretty much all of my summer holidays have been spent over there. Even thought about looking at going through the selection process to train to be a vicar in the Church of Ireland rather than over here at 1 point.

Simon said...

Thanks for the comment 'bensdad', but not quite sure I follow your point - I wasn't claiming to know 'what it means to be British' myself anymore than anyone else does, just reporting what was said on a radio program that made me think a bit. Anyway I am British, and happy to be so - not so sure that having links with Ireland and enjoying spending time there disqualifies me from that!