Monday, February 19, 2007

Dangerous Wonder: The Adventure of Childlike Faith

Great book all about how boring we have a tendency to make our Christian faith seem, and the need to recapture the adventure and excitement of a childlike faith. Very readable, lots of very perceptive and challengingly true comments etc., and various quotes might well appear on this blog from time to time. At the start of each chapter he quotes short verses / poems / stories etc. that he picked up from elsehere. Let me share this one with you:

Life is tough. It takes up much of your time, all your weekends, and what do you get in the end of it? I think that the life cyle is backward. You should die first, get that out of the way. Then you live twenty years in an old-age home. You get kicked out when you're too young. You get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You go to college; you party until you're ready for high school; you go to grade school; you become a little kid; you play. You have no responsibilities. You become a little baby; you go back into the womb; you spend your last nine months floating; and you finish up as a gleam in somebody's eye.

Sounds good to me!

1 comment:

Rich Burley said...

Great book by a great author. I had the privilege of seeing him speak at Greenbelt in 1998.

Lived fun, died young, crying shame.