As term draws to a close here at Ridley, those of us who are returning for another year here in September have the joy of joining in what are called community work days whereby we are put into small teams to help with tasks around the site that need to be done. These include such pleasures as painting, gardening, library stocktaking, clearing out the big college basement, and also giving the chapel a clearout and spring clean - polishing all the silverware and wood in there, clearing all the junk that has gathered in the vestry etc., which is what I was put on the team for. It was arranged that this would be done this morning. However I was looking forward to doing this sooooo much that
I went to extreme lengths to get out of it - I conveniently managed to have our car broken into!!
Well, not quite true - the car was broken into (kind of) but I hadn't actually arranged it you'll be glad to know. In all seriousness this is becoming a pain in the backside - I posted a few months back about my parents car being broken into whilst parked outside our house (
see here), and now it has happened to our car in the same spot. In fact this time 3 out of 4 households of us who live in a row all had our cars broken into (fortunately the fourth household - good friends of ours were away). Idiot here managed to get my bike out of the garage and cycle off passing 2 of the cars without even noticing, and it was only 20 minutes later as I was nearing college that I heard my mobile ringing in my bag as Lisa was calling to let me know what she had found when she came to get into the car to head for work. Fortunately Lisa was able to get a lift to work with another teacher, and I was able to get a lift home so that I didn't have to cycle the 5 miles straight home again. Reported it to the police - but this time they hadn't actually opened any of the doors and got into the car, they'd literally just smashed a little back quarterlight window on the driver side, so the police said to go ahead and get it sorted rather than waiting for a 'scene of the crime' officer. Like last time, maybe I'm stereotyping too easily, but it does seem to be bored youths rather than anything more malicious - but it is a pain, and hard to know what can be done to stop it happening again!
What did annoy me was the phonecall I made to our insurance company which I now regret making at all. Basically what I found out was that even though my policy is fully comprehensive I do have to pay £100 excess, and also I've paid an extra £50 to protect my no claims discount - but that only covers 1 claim per policy year! So if I claimed for this, but then had another incident that involved a claim before my next policy renewal date I would lose 2 years of my full no claims discount when I renew. It just seems such a scam to me! The upshot was that I have got it done without filing a claim, and it only cost £80 ish which I would have ended up paying even if I had claimed because of the excess. The fact that I called them will probably be noted on my file though - and knowing my luck will mean an increased renewal premium anyway!
Anyway, rant over for now...!