Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Harry Potter

Back to the blog far sooner than I thought I would be (see entry below). On holiday now at my in-laws near Dublin, but felt I couldn't let my finishing of the last Harry Potter book go unmarked! For any who have yet to read it don't worry I'm not going to give anything away!! Suffice it to say I think J.K. has excelled herself again with this - fast moving, clever and full of twists. I've really enjoyed the whole series of books, and felt that this really was a fitting climax to them.

Having said that, as much as I have enjoyed them I do hope that it is the end now. I know there are the 'more Harry' petitions and so on doing the rounds but I honestly believe that it is right to end them on a high at this point rather than Rowling trying to keep it going - it has reached a natural finishing point and any more could easily start to lose appeal. I saw her interview on Jonathon Ross the other week where she said that she thinks it definitely is it at the moment but who's to say how she might feel 10 years down the line. If she did go back to it I'd be straight out to get it and read, but I hope she doesn't!

Agree? Disagree? Let me know what you think!

Roll on the last 2 films now! And on that note, back to the holiday...


Gary said...

I rather fear that the existence of 'more Harry' petitions gives away more than you would think. I started very late to the books, and am just coming to the end of book 6 now...

Having said that, on another blog I had read someone's predictions before the last book came out, which almost destroyed the point of reading book 6, giving away as they did the fact that a certain headmaster dies...

I think the series will be best left finished with the end of the 7th book. Let Rowling go and write something else for a change!

Simon said...

I know what you mean Gary - I did wonder whether I should have mentioned the petitions on here! But they've been plastered everywhere, and JK's own comments on Jonathan Ross about not knowing how she'll feel in 10 years kind of gave it away anyway. Having said that knowing about her comments and the petitions before reading the last book has not detracted from my enjoyment of it - certainly not like knowing what you knew about book 6 before reading it! That must have been so annoying!

Kristin Ross said...

Ok I signed the "More Harry" Petition a couple of weeks ago before reading the 7th book and even posted the link to the petition on my blog so as to get others to sign it too...


... having finished the 7th book I now completely agree with you Simon that it is definitely best left finished with the end of the 7th book.

Gary and others this isn't actually giving anything away regarding the book so you're safe!

JK Rowling has mentioned she'll poss write an encyclopedia which I would definitely go out and buy!

Mary said...

Hi Simon, I'm saving the last book to read on holiday next week in Killarney and have just enjoyed re-reading the previous book.