Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Saturday

Struggled to find an image that I wanted to use for this post - not quite sure how realistic a picture this gives us of Jesus' body in the tomb, surely it would have been a bit more wrapped up?! Anyway, it makes the point that Jesus really did die - and stayed dead for 2 days.

I don't think that it is too morbid to actually point that out and remember it appropriately, to show sorrow and remorse for our guilt as well as thankfulness for the amazing self-sacrificial love of God. Also to think about our response to it all. This is all summed up really well for me by the words of 'When I Survey the Wondrous Cross' (see yesterday's post below).

Sometimes we can be guilty as Christians (in certain church circles anyway), of really downplaying the solemnity of Good Friday / Easter Saturday, of commemorating them in a wishy-washy way (if at all) that almost makes them seem an inconvenience in the build up to the big resurrection celebration on Easter morning. What a celebration that should be! But at the right time, after an appropriate and real recognition and remembrance of the events that lead up to it.

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